Solana Performance Model

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Abengoa Solar
Confidentiality Notice
The entire information contained in this document is considered confidential or proprietary information of Abengoa Solar (the "Owner"). The disclosure or transmission of said information, in whole or in part, to any third party is expressly prohibited. The person who has accessed to the information contained herein shall maintain in strict confidence the confidential information contained in this document and he or she shall not to copy, reproduce, reduce to writing, or disclose, in whole or in part, to third parties the confidential information without the Owner’s prior written consent, nor use said information to its own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, and he or she bears all responsibility for its use, disclosure or transfer. Additionally, the person who has accessed to this document knowledge that the information contained herein has an important value and the Owner will suffer irreparable harm if the person who has accessed to this information fails to comply with the confidentiality obligations set forth herein, and the infringer of this obligation shall indemnify the Owner from all damages and harms suffered as consequence of the breach of the confidentiality obligation established in this document.

Copyright Notice
Copyright © Abengoa Solar, 2013. All rights reserved.

All documents, drawings, e-mails, communication, graphics, industrial designs whether registered or unregistered, trade secrets, know-how, copyrights and neighboring rights, photographs and text appearing on this document are reserved and protected by copyright, patent law, trade secret law, industrial property law and intellectual property law. These industrial and intellectual property rights are owned exclusively by Abengoa Solar (the "Owner"). Disclosure, distribution, redistribution, reproduction or commercial use of information contained in this document is prohibited without the express written permission from the Owner. The Owner does not permit intellectual or industrial property infringing activities against any intellectual or industrial property that belongs to the Owner. All persons accessing this document are obligated to adhere to these terms and conditions and to abide all obligations imposed by any intellectual or industrial property law or any International Treaty applicable.

Operative System Requirements
· Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3
· Microsoft Windows 7

Previous Requirements
· Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (x86 y x64)
· Silverlight

User Manual
· Get Adobe Acrobat Reader